Friday, July 23, 2010

what moves you?

One symphony (or a dozen) is all I'm asking for....

I bet you (Es, who are you talking to??! hahaha) love (for lack of a better general description) "classical" music. No, no. Don't disagree (and don't try and find someone who doesn't if you don't disagree). Here's a mini-schooling. . .

Free of charge:

I (and you should, too) .....BACH (Yo Yo Ma is truly an artist. You're not into string? Download Cello Suite No. 1 and see if you change your mind), ROSSINI (albeit he does sing this as a bird, Robin Williams is awesome), TCHAIKOVSKY (V conducts it best), RACHMANINOV (Bill Murry has enough time to master it in that movie no one but me liked), MUSSORGSKY (Scared me to death as a child in Fantasia), BEETHOVAN (gotta love Schroeder), MOZART (the music lock in Willy Wonka ♥), DEBUSSY (I'm a sucker for a vampire that can play the piano. lol. yeah... I went there), WAGNER ("kill the wabbit" always makes me smile), COPLAND (beef! this was one of my favorites to play), LISZT (daffy vs. donald. lol), and not last or least BOCCHERINI (for some good ol' quartet music).

So.. for my next project, I won't be creating anything new. Instead I'll be recreating Bach's Prelude. . .on my violin.
Yeah, I've got one.

You could hardly say that I play since I haven't in years..

I downloaded the sheet music....

Oh crap.

Well, maybe I could work on multiple projects at once? lol
That way if this one doesn't get finished for, let's say, a year from now, then at least I can still work on other projects...

Maybe I should leave the regurgitation of a quick-tempo piece like this for the music majors.
I could paint a pretty picture or how I feel about it though. haha!

I'll attempt it never-the-less..

Looks like fun

I'll let you know...

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